YORKSHIRE Dales Rivers Trust (YDRT) is looking for volunteers to take part in its iWharfe Riverfly Programme to monitor aquatic invertebrate populations between May and September.

“Riverfly monitoring is a vital tool in establishing the overall health of a stretch of river, since testing the chemistry of the river water only offers a snapshot of actual pollution levels,” said Jenny Lee, volunteer and engagement officer.

“Animals in our rivers respond to water quality throughout their whole life span with many aquatic invertebrates such as caddisfly and dragonfly larvae and nymphs not able to survive in polluted water, so their presence or absence is a very strong indicator of pollution levels.”

No prior experience is needed to become a volunteer and all training, equipment and personal protective gear will all be provided, although places are limited.

YDRT is also running invasive non-native plant identification (INNS) training, to help up-skill local communities in recognising, and controlling, invasive plants.

To sign up as a volunteer, email volunteering@ydrt.co.uk or visit ydrt.org.uk