A PLANNED extension to a semi-detached home in Appletreewick has been rejected by a Government planning inspector.

The proposed single storey extension to the front of 2 Fell View in the village was refused permission by the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority in May last year.

The authority concluded that the development would be a 'large and dominating addition to the front of the property that would erode the traditional character of the terrace' and have a 'detrimental impact on the amenity of the neighbouring properties through the loss of light and outlook'.

Its refusal has now been upheld after an appeal against the decision was dismissed by a planning inspector.

In their decision notice, Chris Forrett, said: "The proposal would adversely impact the character and appearance of the host dwelling, which is a non-designated heritage asset.

"It would not preserve nor enhance the character and appearance of the Conservation Area. Given this, the proposal would conflict with the development plan as a whole and there are no other considerations, including the provisions of the Framework, which outweigh this finding."

The inspector noted that the appellants Mr and Mrs A Mason raised concerns about the council decision made by officers using delegated powers, but that did not 'have any bearing on the planning merits of the proposal'.