AIMEE Felgate has been named as the 2014 Sutton Funday Queen.

The event takes place on Sunday, June 15, and a horse-drawn Cinderella carriage will transport Aimee and her attendants Keira Hartley and Lewis Moran through the streets.

The procession will set off at noon, taking a route along Main Street, Gordon Street, Bridge Road and Holme Lane and finishing in the park.

There will be a performance arena with attractions such as a dog show and demonstrations from the Cross Hills-based May School of Dance, Eastburn Fitness and Glusburn Cobra Fit Wellness Club

Other attractions include music from Jamba Samba and the Hot Aire Band, fairground rides, donkey rides, Barn Owl Bill and his live owls and stalls selling crafts, plants and other items.

Refreshments will be provided by the Sutton Village Committee and Kay's Catering Unit

For further information, to enter the procession or to book a stall, ring Christine on 01535 636639 or 07841 011890.