COUNTRYSIDE lovers in North Yorkshire – like walkers, dog walkers, cyclists, anglers, boaters and holidaymakers – are being given an opportunity to speak up for the rivers, lakes, ponds and wetlands they love.

A group of 16 environmental charities and organisations – including the National Trust, RSPB and WWF, are urging countryside lovers and communities to have their say by responding to a consultation on the future of England’s waters, published by the Environment Agency.

The charities are asking people which stream, river, pond or landscape matters to them and are urging them to tell the Environment Agency about it via the Save Our Waters website. It may be a local special place where people enjoy relaxing, or a popular place to visit.

Many of England’s watery places have suffered the effects of extreme flooding, drought or pollution in recent years and only a quarter of the country's water bodies are in a healthy state. So the Save Our Waters campaign is inviting everyone to tell the Environment Agency how important their local stream, river, pond, lake or beach is to them.

Chairman of the Blueprint for Water coalition of organisations, Janina Gray, said: “Water is vital to our health and wellbeing. Wildlife, farming and our economy all rely on good quality water environment, and we love our waters as places to relax and enjoy. Yet currently only 25 per cent of our waters are in good health.

"This is a chance for everyone to send a clear message to the Environment Agency and the Government that North Yorkshire’s water is important to you and that you want it managed well in future, for everyone’s benefit.

"Even if people only have a couple of minutes to make their opinion count, it’s easily done via the Save Our Waters website, which has a quick way to log your view, and we’ll pass everyone’s views on to the Environment Agency."

The Save Our Waters website also has an option for anyone who has a little longer to contribute their views, as well as pages setting out the detailed vision of the scientists and experts as to what good water management in England should look like in the future.