EX-BLUEBELL girl Rowena "Bunty" Leder has joined the social media world with a film on how to keep fit as an 80 year-old.

Bunty, from Grassington, who spearheaded Grassington Festival for 18 years, and is the long serving concert secretary of Skipton Music, demonstrates on You Tube her exercise regime from her bed on first rising in the morning.

Tips like pulling faces to loosen up the face muscles, sticking out her tongue - popular with singers - stretching hips, touching toes, massaging feet and ankles, leg flings and rolling the eyes.

The back rolls from side to side with the knees drawn up are particularly effective.

"I was 5ft 10 and a half inches at 14 and I feared back problems and so far I've not had one. Cliff Richard has been doing these for 20 years and he hasn't had a back problem. So if it's good enough for Cliff it's good enough for me," says Bunty.

Her six minute video called "Bed Exercises for the Elderly" opens with praise for her early life in the 60s. "I was born in the best of times," she tells us.

"When Prime Minister McMillan said in the 60s - 'We've never had it so good' - that was true. We've lived through an amazing age certainly in this country."

She winds down with a message to the older clan appealing to them to keep fit for the sake of themselves and their families.

"We owe it to ourselves to stay as healthy as we can. We owe it to our children not to be a burden and we owe it to the NHS not to overload it.

"Never give in and say we are so old now people must look after us. We must keep fit and well. That is so very important."

Bunty ends her session with some delicate advice received from a doctor when undergoing a colonoscopy. Advice she recommends giving to children and grandchildren.

"I've had such a tremendous reaction from around the world, especially from my friends who have been very complimentary. I'm stunned I have to say.

"I know lots of people who have back problems and I thought why not make a video, there's not much else to do in January."