GOVERNORS at Rathmell CE (VA) Primary School have "very reluctantly" agreed to the start of a consultation process which could see the school close by the end of August this year.

The school currently has a roll of 19 pupils and this is set to fall further to only 15 in December, says a statement just issued by the governors.

It says: "We are not acting lightly, but rather following much deliberation and exploring of the full range of possibilities. The decision has been made unanimously by all governors, with the best interests of the children in school now and in the foreseeable future at the forefront of our thinking.

"In September there are forecast to be only four children in Class 1. Governors have recognised that it will become increasingly impossible to meet children’s educational and social needs even with the existing partnerships with other local schools in the cluster.

"Our decision has been taken with deep sadness and without pressure from either the Diocese or the Local Authority, in response to financial and social factors beyond the control of any of us.

"We greatly value the support of our parents and local community, and look to work together for the best for our children in the processes towards closure."