AN EVENT which will focus on asking where our food comes from and the impact producing it has on our environment is to take place in Bentham.

The 'Just Food bring and share supper', to be held in Bentham Methodist Chapel this evening include talks, video discussions and presentations.

The event has been organised by Churches Together in Bentham to mark the beginning of Fairtrade Fortnight on Monday.

It starts at 6pm with a 'Jacob's Join' meal to which people are asked to take food to share which is, as far as possible, locally produced, organically grown and fair traded. Anyone not taking food is still welcome to attend and to make a small donation instead.

Judith Allinson, pictured, one of the organisers, said that the aim of the event was to encourage people to think carefully about their food choices and to look at eating more 'sustainable' foods.

She said: "We import a lot of food in Britain and obviously this leaves a carbon footprint, which we need to reduce.

"But Fair Trade bananas, for example, because they are grown sustainably, are imported by ship, not plane, and don't need energy for cooking, have a low carbon footprint, so are relatively eco-friendly.

"We will be discussing the ways in which we can minimise the impact our choice of food has on the environment."