A NEW all inclusive roundabout has been installed at Sutton-in-Craven Park thanks to donations totalling almost £11,000.

There has been an increase in the number of people using the park with different abilities, such as those with physical impairments and wheelchair users.

And, although the park does have some inclusive play equipment including a spinner and swing, a need was identified by the parish council for a roundabout which could be easily accessible and encourage children of all abilities to play together.

The Spinmee roundabout supplied by HAGS SMP was specially designed following consultation with specialists who work with disabled children and their families.

A spokesman for Sutton Parish Council thanked everyone who helped fund the project,

including Yorventure who granted £8,000 from Yorwaste through the Land Communities Fund.

Cllr Stephen Place and Cllr Stephen Morrell gave £1,250 through the council's ward members grants scheme, and £1,677 was given by the parish council.

"The park is the focal point of our village and is well used by residents and that of neighbouring parishes and visitors from further afield. The provision of play spaces that are more accessible for users of different abilities encourages a stronger community drawing together all ages, parents, carers and children, socially creating a greater sense of wellbeing," said the spokesman.