RESIDENTS and councillors have teamed up to tackle long-running safety problems on a narrow Steeton street.

The working party plan a four-pronged package of improvements for Chapel Road to benefit pedestrians and residents while stopping rat-running drivers.

They will seek Bradford Council cash to provide a new pavement, extra parking spaces and landscaping, and make the entire road one-way.

Chapel Road runs from High Street, passing the village medical centre and emerging on to Skipton Road near Steeton Methodist Church and Airedale Hospital.

The road becomes one-way halfway along, but drivers frequently drive the wrong way along the whole route despite regular crackdowns by police.

The working group consists of district councillor Andrew Mallinson, parish councillors Roger Lambert and Dave West, and two residents.

Cllr Mallinson said: “We’ve drafted an ‘in principle’ design of how parking might look what we’re very mindful that we also need to address the pedestrian safety issue because there is no pavement.”

The group is working closely with Bradford Council highways officers on various options, which include vehicles parking on one side of the road either side-by-side at an angle or in-line.

Cllr Mallinson added:

“Because the one-way system is only half the length of Chapel Road it’s abused by some motorists. Tickets have been issued.

“There is ad hoc parking on both sides of the road which causes problems for refugees collections, and ambulances visiting the GP surgery.”

Negotiations are ongoing for the improvements on to include a small triangle of land bequeathed to the parish council to use as a public amenity.

Cllr Mallinson believes this land is unsuitable for children’s games, because it is a gradient, but some of it could be ideal for benches and planting.

The parish council is looking into the legalities of using the land, including discussions with the Charity Commission.

When plans are finalised, Bradford Council's Keighley Area Committee will be asked to provide funding for the improvements.