SIX months after the Upper Wharfedale Primary Federation was created, it is celebrating the results of its Ofsted inspection in June.

All four schools - Grassington C of E Primary, Cracoe and Rylstone C of E Primary, Burnsall Primary and Kettlewell Primary - have been recognised as "good or outstanding."

And in the latest round of SATs, the Year 2s and Year 6s at all four schools also achieved impressive results, with many children exceeding age expected levels and achieving greater depth.

Julie Morton-Lee, head teacher of the Federation said: "By uniting our four small schools in this way we have been able to appoint very well qualified and experienced staff to several new posts, including one with specialist expertise in Special Educational Needs, despite there being a national recruitment shortage in education.

"We have also been able to appoint subject leaders in literacy, numeracy and science, as well as share expertise in other areas of the curriculum, including history, geography, art and music.

"We have also rolled out a standardised approach to marking and assessment across the four schools to ensure the most effective monitoring and moderation”.

Pupils had also come together and shared resources to enjoy a more diverse range of sporting, creative and extra-curricular activities than would have been possible as individual schools.

For their recent community productions of ‘Mermaids vs Pirates’, Kettlewell School created fabulous sets while Cracoe and Rylstone School were in charge of some very professional costumes.

Key Stage 1 pupils have enjoyed an outdoor learning day at Parceval Hall and a trip to Skipton Castle while Key Stage 2 pupils had an action packed day at Buckden House and a fabulous residential course in Scarborough.

The Federation, which is unique within North Yorkshire, is now being showcased as a pioneering example of more sustainable education in small rural communities.

Chair of Governors for the Upper Wharfedale Primary Federation, Anne Vetch, said: “The first six months of our fledgling federation have certainly been very busy but we are already seeing many tangible benefits in terms of the quality of education, the overall experience of pupils and greater support for our staff. ”