SIR - There are many kinds of carers. I’m sure most of us have been a carer at some time in our lives, and many are still caring for someone today and for the rest of the person’s life. Some carers work for a living, others volunteer for a charity, and many people care for loved ones. Friends and family give caring support, on a regular basis, or when they can. Some people care for themselves, and they often care for others too.

And I guess many of us have been cared for at some time.

A ‘carer’ has no fixed job description. The needs of those we care for are as diverse and unique as every one of us. But the one thing all carers have in common is the need to share part of the lives of the people they care for.

Sometimes people who need care find it difficult to ask for help. The words don’t come easy. You don’t always know what you need, particularly if it is a mental health issue. I remember when I was first admitted to a psychiatric ward, I talked non-stop for half an hour to my assigned psychiatrist. He said to me “You don’t have to tell me everything about everything” - not in the first consultation. But when he asked me how I felt about something, I was speechless. He said he saw two kinds of people, those like me who talked a gramophone to scrap iron, but in reality said ‘nothing’, and those who ‘stone walled’ him and said not a word for the entire allotted time. He didn’t say which one was easiest to treat. Maybe you can guess. In the end I had to share my thoughts and feelings with him so that he could help me. His job was to actively listen and believe what I was saying.

I have heard so many people say how it helps to share stories, jokes, music and fun times, with carers because they understand. People at Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust recognise this, so they are setting up services to make it possible. They’ve started the ‘Carers Hub’, where all are welcome, at Dyneley Barn, Skipton, Wednesdays 12.30 – 3 pm. Why not give the ‘Hub’ a go, and let me know what you think by contacting me at ‘’ or via the Trust’s office on 01274 363552.

Keep well by sharing.

Loretta Gooch

Midland Terrace
