RURAL campaign group CLA is calling on the Government to support hard-pressed hill farmers, struggling to cope with the recent flooding, by freeing up much-needed support payments.

Although the majority of farmers will receive their Basic Payment Scheme payments this month, farmers who graze common land are unlikely to receive their support payments until February at the earliest.

The Rural Payments Agency (RPA) has written to affected farmers advising them that their entire payment will be delayed due to difficulties calculating the common land element of their claim.

CLA North regional director Dorothy Fairburn said: “The large proportion of common land is found in the North of England, which is why our region is being particularly hard hit by this delay.

“The Government has been made well aware of the difficulties facing farmers at this time, with pressure on milk prices, lamb prices and other commodities. In the wake of the flooding in recent days, many hill farmers have now also lost livestock and are having to pay for clean-up operations as well as repairs to damaged buildings, equipment and machinery.

“We are calling on Government to do whatever they can to help hard hit farmers, for example we are calling on the RPA not to hold up the parts of a claim that can be calculated simply. They should get on and pay these even if there is a delay on paying the more complex elements of the claim.

“Even if they do not receive their full support payment, a part-payment will go a long way towards helping these farmers survive what will undoubtedly be a very difficult Christmas and New Year.”