AN OPTICIAN from Sutton is travelling to Africa to help improve the sight of children and adults.

Dr Chris Davey will spend time in Zambia with fellow volunteers from the charity Vision Aid.

Chris, an optometrist at Benjamin Opticians in Skipton, said the team’s efforts would allow children to learn and adults to work.

The former Ermysted’s School student said he knew at first-hand how life-changing it was to begin wearing spectacles.

He said: “I’ve been pretty much blind without my specs since I was at school and have always wanted to do something like this.

“It’s so easy for us here to have our eyes checked and pick up some spectacles to correct our problems – but often impossible in countries where people are less fortunate than us.

“During this time away we'll be doing as many eye tests as possible, and making up as many pairs of glasses as possible. We'll also try to manage any eye problems that can't be helped with glasses.

“We expect to be doing hundreds of eye test a day from dusk till dawn for two weeks. From what I’ve been told, people will be queuing up for miles.”

A tenth of the world’s population are estimated to be visually impaired, including 13 million children who need glasses.

Chris leaves for Zambia on March 12, and is asking people to support the work of Vision Aid Overseas by visiting m/chrisdaveyvao.