I WAS pleased to read Councillor Greg White's letter announcing the offer of an ipad in a prize draw to e-book library readers to encourage more use of BorrowBox, the excellent new app. which can be down loaded onto computer devices by all North Yorkshire library members (Digital offer to raise awareness of services, Craven Herald letters, October 13 and online).

As Cllr White's letter states, North Yorkshire library service offers a vast collection of 20,000 e-books to borrowers via Borrow Box. This number is bound to grow. E-books require no physical space to store them. Equally, they can be removed without trace when necessary. There are now more than 4,000 readers of e-books using North Yorkshire's library services and that number is set to grow.

Sponsored by Settle Community library and twice a year, I have been doing zoom talks composed of reviews of 30 books, which can be borrowed from any branch library as printed books or downloaded on to a tablet or ipad via BorrowBox.

I cannot stress enough my debt to some of the many facilities offered by the BorrowBox app. For example, I search their categories for titles I think will be suitable for a wide readership of either printed or e-books. I read books in either format as a personal choice. There are a few authors who only offer their work in a printed format and these I also include in my talks.

I cannot regard e-books as inferior to printed when I am coming across quality books in an e-book format only. Most of the books one sees on BorrowBox are offered in both formats.

Printed books will not go away; we love them too much, but e-books now take their place as equals beside them.

Kathleen Kinder
