THE roof of Settle swimming pool is in urgent need of replacement, managers have been told.

It comes as guardians of the 40 year-old building are busy preparing a five-year initiative to help save the cash-strapped independently run pool.

Quotations for the work were being obtained and the committee was confident that grant aid would be available to assist in financing the project, revealed chairman Pat Taylor

The committee was working with its “sister” charity The Friends of Settle Area Swimming Pool and had set up a sub group to look at all aspects of capital works, improvements and maintenance.

Meanwhile, essential maintenance would continue and the annual shut down would take place from Monday December 19 until Tuesday January 3.

"In addition to the usual cleaning and plant room tasks, improvements are planned for the entrance foyer plus the provision of lockers in both male and female changing rooms.

"The refurbishment of the showers is also planned, although time restrictions may mean that this work has to be phased," she said.

Work was continuing on implementing the business plan and alterations had been made to the pool timetable to maximise profitable sessions.

The business plan recommendations were due to be incorporated by April next year. Full details would be available shortly.