CONCERNS that access to a proposed two home development site would be dangerous from a narrow road near Cononley have resulted in a call for a site visit.

Members of the district council’s planning committee heard the development was on a site north of Glen Royd, in Woodside Lane. The plans were being objected to by Cononley Parish Council on the grounds the access to the narrow road was close to a blind bend and close to where the national speed limit was in place.

Parish councillor Nick Swain also observed the development was outside the Local Plan development limit and brought ‘no benefit to the village’.

The applicant’s agent agreed the site was just outside the village limits but said it was only a small site and the criteria in terms of design meant all policies were met.

It was also noted that Highways had offered no objections following a revised site plan and speed survey.

Seven third party representations had been received by the planning department which cited inadequate access, increased risk of traffic safety issues, and that it conflicted with the Local Plan.

It was also stated the site was not infill and, instead, leaned towards ribbon development.

Members approved a request for a site visit to determine the access and egress from the planned properties onto Woodside Lane.