A DEVELOPER who was refused permission to build 13 homes on land to the east of Back Gate, in Ingleton, is appealing against the decision.

The location of the proposed development is described as being on land behind Panwell Cottage and Spring Cottage.

Craven District Council’s planning committee received a full application in January, 2018, and refused the plans on July 27.

The listed the reasons for refused as: The new development is more than 100 metres from a public sewer and no satisfactory means of surface water drainage have been demonstrated.

The proposed development would be detrimental to the conservation area and its setting.

The housing development would adversely affect the existing listed building, Panwell Cottage, and its setting.

An appeal by applicant Tom Brown has now been lodged with the planning inspector.

The procedure will be dealt with by written representation.

Interested parties should forward their representations by May 7.