SIR - May I comment on responses to my letter regarding Jacob Rees Mogg, bringing his son to Parliament? (Protestors should be showing more respect, Craven Herald letters, October 31). I was, as my initial letter said, writing on behalf of a Skipton elector who had asked me to make the issue public, believing it is part of my responsibility as a councillor to do such things. Each year I have had those asking that I share with the council their views re grass cutting; with equal numbers saying it is not cut often enough, and that it should be left to grow longer. Both views I passed on to the Chief Officer of the council.

Were I asked by an elector to express his/her view that we should leave the EU, with or without a deal, I would do so to the appropriate authority, even though, during the Referendum, along with our then MP I campaigned strongly for Remain.

John Dawson, whom I have stated elsewhere I consider as a friend , and from whom I have received nothing but courtesy says that Jacob Rees Mogg is entitled to take his son to Parliament. Of course he is. Were the EDL to hold a rally in Skipton. I would be entitled to attend....but I would not take a young child, knowing the behaviour one could expect.

That Mr Edwards (Perverted logic over the Brexit street rioters, Craven Herald letters, October 31) views fellow electors as ‘self righteous hypocrites’ is his right. I prefer to treat them with the dignity to which I believe they are entitled.

If, however, that charge is levelled at me, I simply say that I have been called far worse, and that I lay no claim to being righteous at all . On the contrary I confess, along with fellow Christians, that I am unrighteous, and totally dependent on the Grace of God.

Alan Hickman, Skipton town councillor,

Keighley Road
