NORTH Yorkshire Police are making a counter terrorism training course available to the public for the first time to help protect the UK.

Devised by Counter Terrorism officers and security experts, the Action Counters Terrorism (ACT) Awareness eLearning package was previously only available to staff working in crowded places like shopping centres and entertainment venues.

Now Counter Terrorism Policing has decided to open up the training to anyone who wants to become a CT Citizen so they can learn how to spot the signs of suspicious behaviour and understand what to do in the event of a major incident.

The decision to offer the training to the public was not made in response to the recent attack in London.

However, the tragic events which took place just 10 days ago, when two people lost their lives to terrorism, were a stark reminder of the ongoing threat and the need for vigilance.

The online training course is free. To register an interest go to: