A regular health and lifestyle column from Corinne Yeadon, of the Being Better private therapy practice based in Newmarket Street, Skipton

I HAVE noticed expressions of anger and disbelief across all forms of media aimed at a minority of people not complying with social distancing.

Displays of anger are often triggered by feelings of frustration, fear and concern. It is my job to help people identify what thoughts and feelings are prompting unhelpful behaviour.

As someone with a vulnerable adult in my household, this is proving challenging to me on a personal level.

I received a letter from the hospital identifying my middle daughter as vulnerable and at risk. This was no surprise given her history of cancer and subsequent lung damage.

Her cognitive understanding is also impaired and for once I am grateful for this, as her ability to understand the enormity of COVID-19 is limited. She has overcome so much in terms of aggressive cancers and treatments that I am doing all I can to prevent her falling prey to this virus.

I completely understand the desire to connect and see loved ones; to be separated from those we love at such a difficult time is heart wrenching.

My youngest daughter was unable to return home from university and had to move in with her dad. While this is incredibly difficult to manage, it is necessary to safeguard her sister and, as I keep reminding myself, not forever.

Perhaps there exists a belief amongst some people that they are fit and healthy, therefore social distancing is not a necessity? Perhaps the thinking is that vulnerable people should be isolated, therefore not at risk?

These beliefs are logical, however, not conducive with preventing the spread, only serving to prolong this period of separation. Thoughts justify actions, I feel this is denial and misunderstanding rather than disregard.

Financial hardship is stressful but can be recovered from, missing events and occasions is upsetting and disappointing, but the loss of a loved one is life changing.

Please stay home and keep vulnerable people safe.