A regular health and lifestyle column from Corinne Yeadon, of the Being Better private therapy practice based in Newmarket Street, Skipton

A COMMON issue at the moment is lack of sleep, an inability to sleep or excessively broken sleep.

Coronavirus has completely upskittled our usual daily habits and routines, particularly for those working from home or furloughed. Exercise and general moving about has been restricted.

Throw into the mix feelings of stress and concern which ensures we are in a state of primal, high alert, meaning that sleep is even more elusive.

Sleep or rather lack of sleep has intermittently been a sticky wicket for me in recent years. Chronic pain and the delightful menopause has added to the mix and proved disruptive.

I firmly believe that unhelpful sleep patterns are easily formed, that said, the reverse can apply also.

Sleep is crucial to our physical, emotional and psychological wellbeing. It’s interesting to me that in countries where siestas are common practice, illness statistics seems to be reduced and lives are longer.

The age-old advice of “sleep on it” when faced with a problem is pretty sound as often logic and solutions can be found when looking at an issue through refreshed eyes.

I have tried numerous remedies, techniques and approaches to attract blissful slumber including sourcing the services of a hypnotherapist to waft me off to sleep with a recording of her chocolatey soothing voice.

Ways to support sleep:

• Relaxation techniques, as part of bedtime routine

• Physical activity outdoors or via online exercise sessions

• Avoidance or reduction of caffeine

• Blackout curtains or blinds

• Pillow sprays or essential oil blends.

It is trial and error finding what may work for you but new sleep habits can be formed and hopefully the phrase “I could fall asleep on a washing line” will not be part of your daily vocabulary.