Following your front page story of October 22, I am calling my local MP Julian Smith to immediately contact the Secretary of State for Local Government and ask him to carry out a thorough investigation into the actions of certain members of Skipton Town Council for what in my view is as clear a case of maladministration in public office as you could ever find.

To have cost the taxpayers of Skipton hundreds of thousands of pounds by their actions is unforgivable. Why should I continue to pay the town council precept, included in the council tax, when this is how my money is spent?

At the town council's annual meeting they should have stepped down with immediate effect and voluntarily disbarred themselves from ever standing again as councillors.

For Councillor Madeley to talk about rebuilding trust with staff would be hilarious if the situation was not so appalling. Are there any members of staff left or have they all run screaming to the hills because of the actions of certain councillors?

J Horne

Highfield Terrace
