A CHARITY raffle at a Cross Hills petrol station was a huge success.

The event, at the Co-op premises, raised £1,505.

Proceeds are going to MIND, the Co-op’s charity partner.

Organiser Liam Bonser, who works at the petrol station, said he was delighted with the response and thanked everyone for their support.

“I’m so grateful to everybody who donated prizes and bought tickets for the raffle to support this amazing cause and help raise awareness of mental health,” he said.

“And thank-you to the customers who have come in and opened-up about their own mental health struggles, getting it out there and off their chest.

“It really has been so humbling organising this raffle and getting to know my customers on a more personal level.

“To people who are struggling with their mental health – keep talking, there is always support out there.

“There are fabulous resources available.

“MIND is among the biggest national charities for mental health awareness, but locally there’s the fantastic It’s Worth Talking About peer support group.”