THERE will be a partial solar eclipse visible this morning - as long as the clouds don't get in the way.

It will be possible to see almost a third of the sun being covered by the moon in what is known as an 'annular eclipse'.

These are not rare occasions, occurring every one or two years, and happen when the sun and moon are exactly in line with Earth.

The partial solar eclipse will start at 10.07am in the UK and will reach its maximum at 11.14am, concluding at 12.26pm.

The type of solar eclipse that occurs depends on where the Moon is in its elliptical orbit.

If the Moon is at its closest point to Earth it can block out most of the Sun’s rays, creating a total eclipse.

However, if the Moon is aligned with the Sun when it’s near to its furthest point from the Earth, it won’t block out all light.

Instead, it leaves a red ring or ring visible, creating what’s known as an annular eclipse.

Although those in the UK won’t be able to see an annular eclipse, they will be able to witness a partial eclipse.

The eclipse will look different in different parts of the world.

There are some important things to remember:

NEVER look directly at the sun with the naked eye or through a camera, binoculars or telescope. You can damage your eyes, and even risk going blind.

Wear proper eye protection - such as eclipse glasses or a sun filter.

Don't try wearing sunglasses, smoked glass and using a floppy disk to see it- they won't work.