THE applicant behind refused plans to build five new homes off Skipton Road, Farnhill, has appealed to the Planning Inspectorate to overturn the decision of Craven District Council.

Proposals to build a pair of open market semi-detached homes and a terrace of three houses to the west of Spring Bank House, next to the Leeds and Liverpool Canal, were refused in November, last year.

The council said that the plans were for an unallocated site in the open countryside.

As such, the scheme conflicted with local plan policy seeking to ensure new housing should be built in sustainable places meeting housing need, density and mix.

It would also introduce a: ‘sporadic, urban extension poorly related to the pattern of the neighbouring settlement resulting in an unacceptable erosion of its rural character and would have an adverse impact on the designated conservation area.’

Both Kildwick and Farnhill parish councils objected to the application.