A WORD of caution; whatever your age, do not underestimate Long Covid.

A major symptom experienced by many with Long Covid is extreme fatigue.

I’ve experienced the impact of chronically low and unpredictable energy levels for much of my adult life due to an auto immune condition. From my experience, those who have never themselves experienced energy problems, often have great difficulty imagining or understanding it in others.

The reality is, that on a “good” day, certain activities can be accomplished if controlled and paced.

On a “bad” day, it can be a mammoth task to perform the simplest of daily tasks.

Work, caring responsibilities, hobbies, holidays, social arrangements and lots of pleasurable activities can become unviable for long periods of time.

As some, following July 19th, may feel tempted to drop their guard and throw caution to the wind, please give this a thought.

Protect yourself and others, by continuing, whenever necessary, the enhanced hygiene practices of mask wearing, washing/ sanitising hands and maintaining a respectful distance.

Extreme fatigue, never mind all the other possible outcomes of Covid 19, is a very testing condition for all concerned.

For anyone now sadly experiencing Long Covid, I would recommend checking out websites such as the M.E. Associations and Breathworks-mindfulness.org.uk, so that you can benefit from the experience of long term sufferers of Chronic Fatigue.

Do take care everyone, whatever your age.

Ali Mantle
