A DECISION to refuse plans to build five new homes on farmland off Carla Beck Lane, Carleton has been upheld by a Government planning inspector.

Craven District Council refused the outline application in August last year saying that the proposed development was in the open countryside, would be intrusive, and detrimental to the character and appearance of the area.

That decision has now been upheld by the Planning Inspectorate following an appeal.

Following a hearing held virtually at the end of September, the planning inspector has said while accepting that the National Planning Policy Framework seeks to significantly boost the supply of homes and that plans and decisions should apply a resumption in favour of sustainable development, the proposed development in Carleton would harm the character and appearance of the area.

In their decision notice, the inspector said had been agreed by the parties that the overall level of housing and growth delivery in the district was sufficient, and that there was no overall housing supply shortfall.