A PETITION requesting a footway and safety measures on Sutton Lane following a fatal collision along the stretch of road in September will be reported to county councillors at the next remote meeting of the Skipton and Ripon Area Constituency Committee. on Thursday, December 16.

The tragedy occurred when George Lewis, 9, was hit by a vehicle while walking along the road.

The report will advise councillors of the county council’s process for responding to the petition and the partnership working which is taking place with Bradford Council in the hope of preparing and delivering a road safety scheme.

County Councillor Philip Barrett (IND) for South Craven said: “It’s important that the committee members are informed of the petition following this tragic event and the progress that has been made to date between the two authorities.

"I, along with other local councillors, have previously tried to deliver safety measures and a footway but for various reasons it’s not been possible. I’m hopeful that this joint working between NYCC and Bradford officers and councillors will prove successful this time in delivering pedestrian safety improvements along Sutton Lane.”

The meeting is open for members of the public to view online live or afterwards.

The link to join is at: https://www.northyorks.gov.uk/live-meetings