CHARITY, The Two Ridings Community Foundation is calling on people and businesses to donate to its Surviving Winter appeal to help those in need.

The Surviving Winter appeal, launched last month, has already raised £5,000 to support vulnerable people through the harsh winter period, but due to a high level of requests for support, much more is needed.

Jan Garrill chief executive of the foundation said: "In North and East Yorkshire one in seven people live in fuel poverty. Over 75,000 households can’t afford to heat their homes and still pay for food. With the pandemic’s impact continuing, combined with a huge surge in energy prices and a rise in the cost of living, people are finding it impossible to make ends meet."

It says families with young children have the highest level of fuel poverty with one in five families suffering, and potentially having to decide whether to put money in the meter or food on the kitchen table.

The Surviving Winter appeal asks people to donate their winter fuel allowance, if they can afford to, so it can be redistributed to people in need, and last year received £28,000. This year one donor gave £1,000 instead of buying Christmas presents.

Donations can be made