A COVID patient who spent 80 days seriously ill in Airedale Hospital has shown his gratitude by donating £1,000 to the hospital's charity fund.

Derek Walsh and his wife, Sue, recently visited the hospital to say a big thank-you to all the staff who cared for him while he was on the intensive care unit with Covid-19 during last winter.

And, the grateful couple donated £1,000 towards Airedale Hospital and Community Charity’s Intensive Care for Airedale appeal as a way to give back to the staff on the unit for the excellent care that they provided to Derek and for the kindness that they showed also to Sue while her husband was in hospital. Mr Walsh became sick with Covid-19 in November 2020 and spent 80 days in hospital with the illness. He was treated on the hospital's Intensive Care Unit throughout December 2020.

The Intensive Care for Airedale appeal aims to raise vital funds to purchase important equipment to improve experiences for both patients and staff on Airedale’s ICU. The new unit is due to be completed in Spring 2022.

Mr Walsh said he was very grateful to everyone who had care for him while he had been at the hospital, and pointed out the outcome could have been very different.

“I am sincerely grateful to each and every person who has been involved in all of my care and treatment whether directly or indirectly, front line or background support, both past, present and future because without you all the outcome of my story could have been very different.

“While I was in hospital, the staff went above and beyond to support myself and Sue. I will always be grateful for the care and compassion given to us and all patients.”

Heather Driver, acute pain nurse at Airedale NHS Foundation Trust, said:“We are so very grateful to be able to see how well Derek is doing after being so gravely unwell. It’s great after all the sadness we have suffered to have such a success story.

“A huge thank you for Derek and Sue’s most generous donation which will go towards helping others that may find themselves in the position Derek was in. I along with many other nurses and doctors spent weeks caring for Derek in the ICU; you get to know everything about them and getting to know him and his wife Sue has been a pleasure.”

To donate to the Intensive Care for Airedale appeal, visit www.justgiving.com/campaign/intensivecareforairedale