OUTLINE plans to build two, four bedroom detached homes in Tosside are back before Craven planners next week - once again with a recommendation to turn the scheme down.

The application, concerning land to the north of The Old Coach House, was deferred from a meeting of Craven District Council's planning committee in September to allow the applicants to bring forward a legal agreement restricting the occupancy of both dwellings to homes for rural workers.

Members also asked that the applicants demonstrate the sustainability and bio-diversity benefits of the proposal.

A report to Monday's meeting says: "Despite repeated requests to agent/applicant on the progress following the meeting, the case officer did not receive any response. Consequently, the agent/applicant were advised that a failure to respond by November 29, would result in the application being referred to planning committee with the recommendation to refuse unchanged."

Six letters were received, four in support, and two against. Ribble Valley Borough Council raised no objection, but did raise concern with regard to the construction of residential accommodation in 'one of the less sustainable settlements'.

The application is recommended for refusal on the grounds the site is in the open countryside on land not allocated for housing in the Craven Local Plan.