PROPOSALS to build 14 new homes in Ben Lane, Barnoldswick, are being recommended for approval by Pendle Council.

The reserved matters application is due to go before the council's West Craven Committee at The Rainhall Centre, Barnoldswick on Tuesday, January 4, when councillors will be recommended to give the scheme by Simpson Homes the go-ahead. Principle of the development has already been established by the granting of outline planning permission, following an appeal.

A report to the committee says a decision on the plans was deferred for further consideration of the drainage and landscaping issues to be undertaken.

It states: "Additional drainage and landscaping details have been submitted and these have been assessed. Further details on drainage have been requested. Amended plans have been submitted which adequately address the privacy issues to the extensions on Skipton Road."

The around one and a half acre field site is currently used to graze sheep and is separated from Ben Lane by an approved, but not built, four houses.

The land is immediately next to, but outside Barnoldswick settlement and is in open countryside.

The report continues: "The site is located outside of a settlement boundary. Outline planning permission was granted on appeal and therefore the principle of the development including access and scale has been established."