AN application to re-route heavy goods vehicles to a housing site at Aldersley Avenue is likely to cause an increase in collisions and damage kerbs and parked cars, a Skipton councillor has said.

Speaking before a recent meeting of Craven District Council's planning committee Cllr Eric Jacquin's report was in relation to an application on behalf of Skipton Properties for the discharge of condition 12 (ref 2021/23425/CND) ‘the routing of Heavy Goods Vehicles to the site to avoid Skipton Town Centre’, and instead puts forward an alternative route.

Cllr Jacquin said: "The proposed HGV access route crosses Cawder Lane canal bridge and continues through the traffic calmed Horse Close and Greatwood estates, passing the Greatwood and Horse Close Community Centre, recreation ground and primary school.

"The proposed route has been suggested by the developer, no doubt as the most cost-effective and convenient. It has been accepted by Highways, simply with the condition that deliveries were restricted to between 9.30am and 3.30pm. The site working hours are 7.30am to 5pm.

"With increased HGV movements there is a likelihood of an increase in collisions along the narrow Greatwood Avenue. There will be virtually no chance for two HGV’s to pass each other along this road.

"The plan of the proposed HGV route mentions that ‘vehicles without restricted access can enter the site via Shortbank Road’. The recently-completed Elsey Croft development has allowed the 100+ new householders to drive down Shortbank Road and along the narrowed road at The Quarry Line Railway Bridge, which is regularly gridlocked at this pinchpoint."

Cllr Jacquin added that because the condition was imposed by the planning inspector on appeal the local planning authority is only obliged to consult technical bodies. It cannot consult the residents at the 266 houses which front the route proposed for HGVs, or statutory consultees, including Skipton Town Council.

He continued: "I would like the LPA to show consideration to its residents and highlight these concerns to the current consultees. Highways may reconsider its response.

"I suggest a safer solution. A temporary route from Otley Road to site, until the completion of the works, would allow construction works to be completed economically. This option would be welcomed by the residents of Greatwood and Horse Close estates and motorists and pedestrians using Shortbank Road.

"Whatever the outcome of this presentation, all vehicle movements should be monitored to give evidence that the conditions have been complied with.”