RESUBMITTED plans to build 19 bungalows for the over 55s off Brogden Lane, Barnoldswick are to be considered by Pendle Council less than seven months after the original scheme was rejected on highways grounds.

The almost identical scheme by developers Applethwaite Ltd was refused permission by the council, against officer recommendation to approve the application, in June, on the single ground of highways safety.

In its decision notice, the council said: "The road network leading to the site is not adequate to safely facilitate the increase in traffic that would be generated by the development. As such the development would be inimical to highway safety."

Objectors to the scheme at the time also raised concerns about Brogden Lane being popular and busy with walkers, horse riders and cyclists, and claimed the site was liable to flooding.

Barnoldswick Town Council commented at the time that the site was within an area of archaeological interest with eight heritage assets nearby. The town council also had 'serious flooding concerns' in addition to highway safety.

The greenfield site of just more than three acres, is next to, but outside the built-up limits of the town.

Applethwaite has now resubmitted the application to the council, with new measures to mitigate highways concerns, and calls for it to be 'granted without delay'.

Mitigation measures include 'pedestrian in road' signs on both approaches to the new homes.

Lancashire County Council highways has raised no objection to the proposals, subject to an acceptable construction method statement. It has also raised no objection as its position of lead local flood authority.

In its submission to the council, agent for Applethwaite says following rejection of the scheme last year, the developer commissioned an independent road safety audit.

The submission says: "Applethwaite has carried out further highway assessment work in response for the reason for refusal and has improved the proposed scheme of off-street highway mitigation works on Brogden Lane as a result.

"The revised scheme presents the best of all solutions and meets Lancashire County Council requirements and the independent road safety auditor. It consequently overcomes the reason for refusal.

Access to the homes will be off Brogden Lane and they will be a mixture of two and three bedroom. No affordable homes are proposed. The site itself will include an 'attenuation basin' for the collection of storm water as an 'amenity feature for new and existing residents' and a new footpath to encourage walking.

People have until January 2 to comment on the proposals.