ON last week's front page story re- Clifford Gardens, Skipton (Homes will breathe new life into town, Craven Herald, March 24) a Bellway manager stated "when planning to build houses anywhere our aim isn't simply to build houses" we are here to create communities" I find several things wrong with that statement.

* The only reason they are building here at all is that the company who bought the site in the first place 'Henry Boot' had an application to build a supermarket turned down so had to go for houses instead.

* Building 188 houses does not necessarily create a community, in today's modern society many people may often travel 20 to 40 miles to work and hardly know their neighbours, due to being away for long periods. Obviously there is also the added strain on schools and Doctors from these extra houses.

* The new bypass link created is fine for those who will travel a distance to work or wish to visit other towns or cities but anyone going into Skipton to work or shop will never use the bypass and simply use Carlton road. This road is heavily congested due to the terraced houses having no drives leaving roadside parking the only option, also this road has two blind bends and no footpath in places, making it unsafe to cross. I live off this road so if I leave the house I have to cross it four times before I arrive back home. I have witnessed two accidents but not surprisingly Yorkshire Highway's say no problems here.

* Wow! a new park created, I have visited this park, don't expect to sit on a park bench and read a book unless you are wearing earplugs. The noise from the bypass is quite bad, this presumably is why they would not build houses in this area, never mind the air pollution from the constant heavy goods and car traffic.

* Does the council take any of these facts into consideration? No, not when they can get funds from the Section 106 and a new road on Engine Shed lane, to compliment the new Waste disposal site currently being built.

* Lastly the talk of boosting the local economy. Well Tesco may get some extra footfall but I believe many shoppers in Skipton town centre are often day trippers anyway.

So Bellway Homes and Henry Boot, please don't expect us to believe anything but the main reason you are in business is to make money not to create or help communities.


James Porter
