BROUGHTON Road Allotment Association, Skipton, and Craven U3A Allotment Group collaborated to plant seven fruit trees to be named the ‘Jubilee Orchard’ on the association’s communal plot.

It will be a lasting memorial, and also a source of free fruit in the future, with a tree for each decade of the Queen’s reign.

The communal plot has been given free of rent to the association by Skipton Town Council to encourage community spirit and goodwill amongst plot holders.

Similarly, the U3A Allotment Group enables those who may not want to have their own plot to still be able to appreciate the benefits of working outside, growing healthy pesticide free vegetables and the enjoyment of working with others in a common undertaking. In addition to help from the town council, grant support has also come from Craven district and North Yorkshire county councils.

Work is now underway to pave an area for a shared shed, greenhouse and patio area where people can meet, exchange plants, tips and probably ‘have a gossip’.