AN orphan baby alpaca has fallen on her feet after being adopted by the resident herd at Thornton Hall Country Park.

Adorable Sydney lost her mum when she was born, but since arriving at the visitor attraction in Thornton-in-Craven, the protective herd of alpacas has taken the youngster under their wings and are showing her how things are done 'down on the farm'.

Everyone at the farm park has been on hand with plenty of feeding bottles and cuddles for the friendly new arrival – but Sydney has taken a special shine to Anna Harrison, daughter of the owner.

Anna, 11, even named her new friend Sydney - the name she wanted to call her next sibling, if her parents had not decided to stop at two.

⁠Anna said: “I just want to stay home to look after her but I’ve been told I have to go to school while the team at the farm take care of her. She is so friendly and I can’t wait to see her grow up here and meet everyone.”