A DELIVERY driver stuck in deep snow in a remote part of the Dales along with his partner and new born baby was rescued by members of the Cave Rescue Organisation.

North Yorkshire Police received a call at just after 5pm on Saturday from the driver who was stuck in snow on Thornton Lane, Thornton in Lonsdale. The Clapham based CRO responded with members setting off in a Land Rover and its all-terrain vehicle CRO4 and found the driver, along with his partner and baby, who slept throughout, stuck in snow near to Kingsdale Head Farm.

A CRO spokesperson said: "Police received a call from a delivery driver stuck in snow on Thornton Lane. He had described ‘heavy snow and icy conditions’, then added ‘new-born baby on board, as well as partner’.

"Unable to contact the caller to confirm their location, members took a team Land Rover and CRO4 up Thornton Lane, which runs from Thornton Church/Marton Arms area towards Kingsdale.

"With snow across the road in the valley bottom, the team were surprised to find the driver had made it as far as the gate near Kingsdale Head Farm before getting comprehensively stuck.

CRO rescues people — there are other agencies that recover vehicles — but because the road to the farm was blocked by the van this was winched out and the driver followed the CRO vehicles back to Thornton. Fortunately, the baby appeared to sleep throughout."