AMENDED proposals to carry out work at Skipton Wetherspoon's The Devonshire Inn in Newmarket Street, have been given planning permission and listed building consent by Craven District Council.

The application involves external repair works to the three storey, 18th century building, including works to failed renders and full strip and relay of stone roof salvaging where possible, repairs to rainwater goods including fixing leaking joints. It also includes a balustrade railing to the existing ramp at the front of the building to aid disabled persons with access to the premises.

A planning officers report states: "This scheme consists of a range of repairs, largely aimed at ensuring that the heritage asset is not subjected to any further degradation in condition. This means that in terms of the visual impact of the scheme, there will be very few discernible differences, other than an evident improvement in the condition of several architectural elements, such as improved paint work and render. Where materials are being replaced, this is being done in a like-for-like manner, to ensure visual and actual continuity with what already exists."

The building was Skipton's only grade two listed secular building until this year when the former Skipton County Court in Otley Street, was added to the national heritage list.