PUPILS at Austwick Primary School and Nursery celebrated World Book Day with a colourful new library space.

“There’s a real enthusiasm in the school to come and choose a book,” said Beth McHardy, teacher and library lead. “With the new space we’ve been able to refresh the whole approach to reading within the school making it fun and exciting.”

All pupils now love the time they get to spend in the library each week. The older Class 2 children get to help Reception pupils select a book and then read with them. The librarians from Year 6 collate pupil recommendations for new books which are then purchased.

“Children find different ways into reading,” added Maria Farrer, children’s author and school governor. "Sharing the love of books is infectious and encouraging.”

The pupils' enthusiasm is equally infectious and they say the library is 'a peaceful, playful and perfect place to read by yourself, or to others'.