I RECENTLY suffered a stroke. This misfortune, after me hitherto professing, age-wise, to be the fittest man on the planet.

So, what were the potential causes of my misfortune? Learning from the consequences of air-pollution in Sheffield, hence the newly designated clean-air sections around that city, a medical scientist over-seeing the new project, stated on BBC television, that air-pollution can be the biggest cause of strokes.

So, if they thought that they had been having it rough in certain parts of Sheffield, then consider my predicament and that of near neighbours where I live.

The two, three or four hundred juggernauts which have been thundering past my house from 6.30am onwards day by day (to the The Alders housing development site) are causing more pollution, I would contend, than anything that Sheffield has ever experienced in recent years. Indeed, hanging out washing, except possibly on a Sunday, only when the wind is blowing in a certain direction, is otherwise an absolute waste of time. Hang out washing at 9am mid-week and it is ready for washing again at noon.

The proof of the pollution situation might best be typified by the rotting state of my clothes line. My original line, when I first moved in, lasted more than twenty-five years, until the juggernauts started riding rough-shod over the estate. So, I bought the identical twin replacement less-than a year ago, and that has rotted away in just ten months!

However, to coin a phrase from a famous boxer of the past, “You ain’t seen nuthin' yet!”

For, when all the properties are completed, there will possibly be as many as two hundred extra vehicles tearing up and down the avenue.

Never mind the kids – many of primary school age – criss-crossing the road. They are merely pawns midst the gold-rush scramble.

Indeed, bar isolated exceptions, regarding both lighter vehicles and wagons which have already been tearing up and down from the site, we have only been lacking Hamilton and Schumacher and then we would have seen the lot!

Why oh why was a comparatively short-distance access route, to and from Otley Road and the neighbouring Skipton by-pass, not insisted upon by the planning authority's “umpires” before this huge new community-stifling block was allowed to be built in the first place?

After all, as some of we mortals endeavoured to point out at a planning meeting, this new block is completely bereft of any amenities…. school, shops, doctor’s surgery, community centre, sports facilities, employment premises…. nothing!

So, everyone wishing to access any of the above, needs to shunt through the same filter channel to get anywhere.

And never mind trying to save our planet. For, as in India, China, and a few other polluting places elsewhere…. alas, money talks!

Meantime…. Just as I was concluding this script, there arrived providence by way of an overnight blizzard. So, for once in a blue moon, I was able to hang out a line of washing as all the heavy vehicles and virtually all other site traffic was grounded, and the resultant tidal wave of melting snow and slush helped to clean the road.

Thankyou then Mr. Snowman. You really have been a shining star!


Roger Ingham

HELLdersley Avenue, formerly Aldersley Avenue,
