A FARMER who faced a catalogue of animal welfare and animal by-product transportation charges is being sentenced in April.

Hayden Fortune, 47 of Pyethornes Farm, Wigglesworth, admitted 12 of the charges and a further 13 charges were withdrawn when pleas were entered on March 17. The defendant was not in court.

The case was adjourned to York Magistrates' Court on April 17 for the defendant to appear and a pre-sentence report to be prepared. 

Fortune was told an application would consider his disqualification from keeping animals and that sentencing may still be adjourned to crown court.

The 12 guilty pleas being dealt with, all relating to the Wigglesworth premises, are: on April 4, 2022 failed to collect, identify and transport animal by-products, namely 8 bovine carcasses and at least a further 11, without undue delay.

Between April 8 and May 23, 2022, failed to collect, identify and transport animal by-products, namely at least 338 pig carcases, without undue delay. 

On April 4, 2022 failed to hold bodies or part of bodies of farmed animals in such a manner as to ensure that any animal or bird did not have access to it. 

Between April 30 and August 22, 2022 failed to produce a cattle identification passport when required to do so.

On April 8, 2022 caused unnecessary suffering to 7 pigs in that the pens were partially flooded with lurid water, no dry area was available to rest, they were exposed to the carcases of dead pigs in the same pens and there was a lack of feed and drinkable water.

On April 4, 2022 did not ensure the needs of 120 pigs were met in that the pen contained hazardous material including sharp parts of wood and metal, there was no dry lying area, no water was available, there was an absence of enrichment material and the live animals were exposed to the carcases of dead pigs. 

On April 8, 2022, 3 bovine animals had no feed or water, or evidence of recent feeding, they were exposed to the carcases of dead cattle, there was no dry area and they were sitting in manure.

Between April 26 and July 28, 2022 did not ensure the needs of porcine animals in that pigs had to walk through slurry to reach the feed troughs.

On April 4, 2022 pigs did not have continuous access to a sufficient quantity of fresh drinking water.

Between April 8, and April 11, 2022 did not feed a pig a wholesome diet in that its body condition was poor to emaciated.

Between April 8 and May 11, 2022, did not feed a pig a wholesome diet in that its body condition was emaciated. 

Between April 8 and May 11, 2022, at Wigglesworth, failed to feed a cow a wholesome diet in that its body condition was emaciated.