ORIGINAL Rylstone WI 'calendar girls' met members of an Israeli kibbutz as they unveiled a collection of photographs from their own version of the alternative calendar at Skipton Town Hall.

Four of the original calendar girls, Angela Knowles, Tricia Stewart, Beryl Bamforth and Lynda Logan, and their photographer Terry Logan, were in Skipton to meet the members of the Shaar-Hagolan Kibbutz and to hear how they had inspired the Israeli project.

The photographs are part of an exhibition marking 20 years since the release of the Calendar Girls screenplay and includes early planning material for the calendar, which went on to raise millions of pounds for Blood Cancer UK.

Kibbutz member, Uzi Ring, who appears in the calendar, said: “When I saw the exhibition in Skipton Town Hall, I could not believe it. When we started the calendar project with the men of Shaar Hagolan Kibbutz in the Jordan Valley of Israel, we never dreamed it would travel this far, all the way to the home of the Calendar Girls in Yorkshire."

The exhibition runs until June 17. Entry is free.