I REGULARLY drive on the A65 between Skipton and Kendal.

On every trip I know that I will witness several examples of appalling and dangerous driving: tailgating, overtaking on double white lines, pulling into another driver’s safe braking space and, of course, speeding.

I am always delighted therefore whenever I see the police mobile speed cameras out on the roads and hope that they catch as many of these dangerous drivers as possible.

Conversely, I find it very annoying to have oncoming drivers who have passed the mobile unit warning approaching drivers of its presence by flashing their lights, as if they are doing people a favour.

If these drivers stopped for one moment to analyse their own behaviour they would realise that they are condoning the speeders who, as a group, are responsible for a huge proportion of the deaths and injuries on our roads.

Why anybody would want to achieve that is mystifying. It is also possible that the ‘flashers’ themselves may end up on the wrong side of the law by this action which could be seen as preventing a police officer from carrying out their duty.

I read recently that driverless cars are not that far away……the sooner the better!

Mark Willingham

Carleton in Craven