Richard Sykes provocatively refers to ‘Zionist police’ in his letter (Craven Herald April 13 'What and weho have given right of attack').

He should know that the Israeli police force has hundreds of Christian and Muslim officers with many in leadership roles. They would describe themselves as Israeli Arabs.

On 4th April, youths with rocks barricaded themselves in the Al Aqsa mosque and prevented others from leaving (i.e. it was commandeered by rioters). Israeli police arrested the former and safely evacuated the latter. Stun grenades were used to repel rioters. Worshippers were not attacked and no human rights were violated, though the media response was inevitable.

The area below the mosque is full of Jewish and Christian pilgrims when, as this year, Passover and Holy Week coincide. Rocks have been hurled at them from above and these are not peaceful protests as stones have killed people. Tragically Ramadan for some is a pretext for causing an international incident, to say nothing of desecrating the holiest spot in Judaism by ripping up its fabric.

The police are there to protect pilgrims and tourists as all are free to visit holy sites under Israeli law. We expect nothing less here as millions visit London whilst others protest in Parliament Square.

Richard may not like it but people are returning to their properties in East Jerusalem, and elsewhere, from where they were expelled by Jordan in 1948. It is a just and lawful return to historic possessions that we are all too familiar with in parts of Europe. The question Richard should be asking is why did the Arab states and Iran forcibly expel 856,000 Jews in 1948? Or, if he is genuinely interested in Israel’s control of East Jerusalem and Area C he could read the Oslo Accords.

Stephen Dawson Giggleswick