A FREE 10-week plan aimed at taking people 'off to couch to 5k' is due to start in Skipton next month.

Another Couch to 5k will get underway at Aireville Park, starting on Thursday, May 18. Aimed at those who might find running a bit scary, and perhaps need company and support to get going, there are three sessions per week, beginning with walking and building up to a run. The course finishes with a celebratory 5k park run.

Sessions, which run for an hour between 6pm an 7pm, with one taken by a fully qualified coach, and there is lots of support by like-minded beginners.

This will be the last new group of the year - in the future, there will be one in the spring, and one in the summer. The last group finished the course in the winter, with 13 completing the park run in March.

To find out more, email: c25kskiptonac@gmail.com