THE weekly 'Yarndale Social' kicks off the coming week at Skipton Town Hall which will also see the hall being taken over for the ever popular three-day Skipton Beer Festival.

Yarndale Social, organised by the team behind the hugely popular annual Yarndale Festival at Skipton Auction Mart, is a chance for people to go along, have a cuppa and a cosy hour of crocheting, knitting or stitching. The free event takes place in the town hall hub on Thursday (May 18) from from 7pm to 8pm.

Skipton Beer Festival takes place from Thursday (May 18)  until Saturday and will feature more than 60 Real Ales on a traditional gravity service, plus Real Ale on KeyKeg, a range of Cider and Perry as well as soft drinks and food.

Looking ahead to the school half-term holidays, will be performances and arts and craft workshops.

On Thursday, June 1, families will be thrilled with Wrongsemble's The ‘Not So’ Grimm Twins Written and directed by Elvi Piper.

Meet the world-famous twins Jake and Will Grimm, as they tumble from their magical wagon brimful of stories collected from every inch of the world – from Rapunzel to Red Riding Hood.

Behold as your favourite tales are re-spun by the storytelling duo - and their little sister Lottie too.

But, sometimes even familiar fairytales can take a turn for the unexpected, and the heroes will need all the help they can get to defeat the creatures of their own creation and save the world.

Performed by three actor-musicians, featuring original live music and puppetry, this production is suitable for the whole family, though some elements may be best enjoyed by those aged four and above. There will be two performances on June 1 at 11am and at 2pm.

On Monday, May 29, there will be two sessions of the half term art club.

Aimed at 10 to 18 year olds, the sessions will show children and young people how to organise their desks, books and stationary - and all in a fun way.

There will be lessons in paper folding techniques and the materials needed to build a really sturdy desk tidy and some super cute book marks to take home.

Lastly, on Wednesday, May 31, Craven folklore and fairytales will be the focus of two 'make and take' sessions.

The free events - no need to book, just drop in, will be inspired by local folklore and fairy-tales and linked to Craven Library's local history month.

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