CLAPHAM Art Group will be holding its much anticipated 70th art exhibition in the village hall at Clapham from Saturday May 27 to Sunday June 4.

Visitors are promised an exciting and eclectic selection of framed paintings, mounted works and drawings on display, all celebrating the creativity of the art group's members. The exhibition will be open every day from 10am to 5pm. Entry is 50p, free admission for accompanied children. Delicious homemade refreshments will be available in aid of St. James's Church, Clapham. Everyone is very welcome. Last year's 69th annual exhibition was held following a two-year break because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Pictured are Clapham Art Group members with a selection of their work, from left: Sarah Thornton, Linda Clemence, leader; James Innerdale and Margaret Blackburne.