SEE How They Run, a comedy by Philip King, is the next presentation at Skipton Little Theatre, home of Skipton Players.

The original play, which is not related to the 2022 film, which has a completely different plot, takes place in the picturesque village of Merton-cum-Middlewick, England, amidst the backdrop of World War II.

With the looming possibility of a Nazi invasion, the village residents are on high alert. Amidst the chaos, Miss Skillon, a spinster living in the village, becomes suspicious that the vicar's wife is having an affair and sets out to expose her.

To complicate matters, a German prisoner of war manages to escape, an attractive male actor enters the scene, and the Bishop of Lax pays a visit, all while a bumbling locum priest add to the mayhem. The ensuing confusion leads to hilarious situations and a delightful comedy of errors.

Philip King, who died in 1979, was an English playwright and actor, born in Yorkshire, who is best known for See How They Run, which he wrote in 1944. He began his career on his 60th birthday as an actor with a small touring company in the North of England, graduating to the Repertory Company at the Opera House, Harrogate. He was also known for Watch It, Sailor! (1961), Curtain Up (1952) and Panic in the Parlor (1956).

See How They Run plays from June 13 to June 17 at 7pm, with a 2pm matinee on the Saturday.

Tickets: £10; under 16's: £5.00. Booking online: 0752 714 1176 or