AN award-winning children’s author is donating dozens of copies of her books to libraries to teach children the importance of protecting the environment.

As part of North Yorkshire Council’s Beyond Carbon project, Skipton-based author Katie Daynes, whose books include 'Can we really help the bees' and 'What is racism?' has been running workshops in libraries across Craven on her books, which question the world from a child’s point of view.

Primary school pupils in Gargrave, Skipton, Settle, Bentham and Ingleton joined Katie to discuss what they can do to combat climate change and designed posters.

A select few will appear in the next issue of the Yorkshire Dales Review, which includes articles on local landscapes, communities, culture and biodiversity.

After the events, Katie and her publisher, Usborne, agreed to waive fees for the events, and instead donated the amount to the library service to buy further copies of her books, along with other titles based on the same topic.

Katie said: “It's been so much fun sharing my books in libraries with the children, hearing their own sparky ideas for positive change and seeing the powerful drawings and messages they've come up with in our campaign workshops.

“I'm delighted that the Beyond Carbon funding for the events will be used to purchase copies of the books for libraries across North Yorkshire. Hopefully, we can inspire many more young activists.”

These fun and informative books, brightly illustrated by Róisín Hahessy, have an entertaining narrative at their core as they explain the issues around climate change while encouraging children to take practical, positive action to protect their local environment.

The books will be in libraries ahead of the Great Big Green Week from Saturday, June 10 to Sunday, June 18.

North Yorkshire Council’s executive member for libraries, Cllr Simon Myers, who represents Mid-Craven, said: “We are delighted to accept Katie and Usborne’s kind donation, as the need to tackle climate change is at the forefront of the council’s policies.

“These bright, fun, informative books offer children reassurance about this challenging issue and, importantly, empower them to make a difference from an early age.”

The aim of the council’s Beyond Carbon project is to reduce emissions and achieve net carbon neutrality by 2030, or as near to that date as possible.

Earlier this year, a public consultation was held on a draft climate change strategy in response to the climate emergency. For more information on the project and to read the strategy, visit